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Building a profile of a subject of interest using digital intelligence opportunities - 2 October 2024

  • Agenda live and included below.

  • An exclusive workshop that will consider the investigative opportunities that can be gleaned from a variety of digital evidence sources about a subject of interest in a major crime investigation.

  • It will provide a contemporary and operational snapshot of the investigative opportunities that can be obtained from digital data and explain how they can be used to build up a profile of the subject of interest and their activities, location, associations and any other information that could prove crucial to the investigation.

  • It is aimed at investigators, analysts and police staff who want to develop and enhance their understanding of the digital opportunities available when working on a major crime case.

  • It will be led by Di Adam Bryant, Head of Digital Operations at the National Digital Exploitation Service (NDES) who is an experienced digital investigator and trainer.

  • Held online via Teams

  • Certificates of CPD available


The Investigator is hosting this ‘must attend’ workshop that provides contemporary best practice, opportunities, challenges and pitfalls around building a profile of a subject of interest using digital evidence.


The day will encourage investigators to adopt a digital investigative mindset when assessing the evidential potential of digital data and encourage them to think smarter and strategically. It will also look at the importance of setting the activity within the wider context of the overall investigation.


The focus of the workshop is to provide an operational checklist for investigators, analysts and police staff and to help delegates develop and enhance their skills and their ability to think strategically when planning and carrying out a digital investigation.



9.40am-9.50am: Welcome and introduction, Carol Jenkins, The Investigator


9.50am-10.40am: Session One

  • Understanding your Subject of Interest (SOI): behaviour, patterns of life, criminal tradecraft, social science and policing.   Look deeper than the named suspect!

  • Setting your strategy: identifying and determining your tactical options for investigation in digital intelligence

  • Effective response and tactical options: managing scenes, using communications data properly, and access to the cloud.  Practical considerations.


10.40am-10.50am: Questions

10.50am-11.10am: Break

11.10am-Noon Session Two

  • Online behaviours: the changing face of criminality and their tradecraft

  • Digital behaviours and public protection: how does this impact on public protection investigations and managing risk

  • Understanding online behaviours as indicators of criminality and getting them into evidence


Noon-12.20pm: Questions and recap of morning session

12.20pm-1pm: Break

1pm-1.50pm Session Three

  • Finding your SOIs weak spot: identifying where your SOI is most likely to leave a digital footprint

  • Recognising your weak spot! Protecting your investigation, methodology and tradecraft

  • Building your playbook and agile investigation: understanding the changing nature of investigation in a connected society


1.50pm-2.10pm: recap, questions and discussion

2.10pm: Workshop finishes.



Cost: £199.99 + VAT (GBP) per delegate (LEA and Government Agency rate).  £299.99 + VAT (Industry rate). 

Group bookings: We offer various discounts for group bookings depending on numbers, please contact us for details.

Booking: Please send the delegates name(s), email address(es) and purchase order (made out to The Investigator) to or telephone +44(0)844 660 8707 for further information. 

Payment can be made by PayPal/debit/credit card (corporate card fees apply + 3%). ​The meeting link will be sent out 7 days before the event.

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